A VIDEO walk-through of Bradford city centre – showing the major changes currently taking place – sparked a huge reaction among Telegraph & Argus readers and a fierce debate about the city's future.

The three-part tour of central Bradford looked at the ongoing roadworks scheme, the work on the new Darley Street Market and the saga surrounding the closure of Bradford Interchange.

Many of the city's finest buildings, including the Wool Exchange and Alhambra, also featured - bringing back fond memories for readers who have moved away from Bradford but still check the news from their old home city.

The videos attracted a combined total of more than 82,000 views on Facebook, with more than 850 people commenting - many giving strong opinions on the current roadworks on streets such as Hall Ings.

In the Facebook comments below one of the videos, Katy Banks said: “I've enjoyed watching these wanders around Bradford. They encourage you to pause, look up and appreciate some of the remaining lovely buildings we have, rather than head down and hurrying on your way.

"The stark take home though is the lack of foot fall in the city. So few decent shops to draw people in, the balance has tipped too far to online shopping to ever come back again. "Realistically, after the novelty of the new market has worn off, how many shoppers will venture to the top of town to use it?"

Andy Holdsworth said: “Towns and cities that survive are moving more to leisure rather than shopping. I'm pleased to say Bradford is definitely moving in that direction with some excellent new leisure outlets already opened ,and of course we can't forget the soon to open Bradford Live.”

Susan Feather said: "Haven't been in the centre for a walk about for many years .... bit of a shock seeing how much it has/is changing .... fingers crossed it is for the good ... I feel it will be ... can't wait for Darley St to be finished .. thanks for this."

Christine Ann Jones said: “I went into town today it was full of beggars, homeless and boarded up shops. Felt very unsafe not a police presence to be seen. Needless to say I was in and out in a flash.”

Sandra Garstang said: “I won't go into Bradford since l witnessed a fight involving knives.”

Judy Brushett said: “This walk around is really good - shame Bradford is so run down and even all this new building will never bring it back to what it used to be."

Lily Robinson said: “Born and raised there but recognised very little now. I left in 1970 and Bradford city centre was a thriving, clean shopping place. Very sad to see it like it is now."

Saffy Saffron said: “There is so much transformation happening and you still say it’s run down! Give the city a chance. Watch how amazing it will all be."

Jane McGrath said: "After 8 years away what amazed me the most is the amount of historic buildings there is in Bradford. Thanks for the tour."

Adrian Ward said: “How many times have we heard this, short term pain for gain? Bradford will never match it’s past because times have changed and Leeds saps Bradford of any investment. Sorry to sound like I’m being negative There is so much about Bradford and it’s surrounding town I love, but the City centre can’t, and never will be a major hub of commerce and investment as it was in the past. Time for a new vision I think."

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The work progressing near Cheapside outside the Midland HotelThe work progressing near Cheapside outside the Midland Hotel (Image: T&A)

Emma Vic said: "I'm all for change and regeneration...but when it takes 1 hour and 10 minutes to get from Bd15 to the top of the M606 for what is normally a 20 minute journey due to all the roadworks/diversions/everyone using the country roads as short cut to avoid the CAZ charges...is an absolute joke!!"

Gurbinder Singh said: "I assume it’s part of the war on the motorist and making the city centre a car free zone? Only problem with that is then also becomes a shopper free zone."

Debbs Annie said: "Oh it was brilliant haven't been in Bradford for some yrs think its like 20 yrs now n that was great to actually see it again."

Abu Ahmad said:"Public transport in Bradford is very difficult at the moment, very hard to find your service after closing down Interchange Bus station . Hopefully be better in future."

Chris Priestley said: "It's going to take more than updating the road system I am afraid. Just means people will pass through more quickly. Money needs spending in other much needed problems. I live on the outskirts and never go into the centre because I don't feel safe."

Wendy Boothy said: “Wow how Bradford has changed."

Raymond Field: “Once a thriving city now empty streets."

Beverly Jansen said: “I am South African and when I visit I just love popping in at all the charity shops in Bradford city centre. Enjoy the city with it beautiful architecture building especially the Cathedral. Love Centenary Square as well."

Josie Bennett said: “They should have kept the beautiful buildings that were there before they got flattened to build a concrete jungle. That was a city centre to be proud of."

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Darley Street market, seen in recent weeksDarley Street market, seen in recent weeks (Image: newsquest)

Susan Feather said: “Again very good walk through .. the new Darley St building is coming along well ... .. been a bit of a mind blow at all the changes.... thanks for these videos.. been very helpful."

Andy Holdsworth said: “Be brilliant when it's all finished obviously a lot of inconvenience atm but can't wait till its done. Take no notice of the moaners they are in a minority."

 Andy Archer said: “Wool Exchange beautiful facade - yes i would agree. But on what planet was The Red Shop allowed to do this?"

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The Red Shop

George Rothery said: “Like a ghost town."

Doug Holmes said: “A nostalgic look round my home town which I left 40 years ago, onwards and upwards and hope the regeneration brings Bradford to what it once was."

Lesley Widdop said: “Nice to see a positive video about Bradford, where I was born. Still many negative comments though. It's a work in progress. There are more homeless, drug takers and out of work drunks in every town. Don't people realise there is a cost of living crisis! And police numbers cut so no one to move them on ! Great to see a police presence.So glad they got city of culture. Onwards and upwards!"

Vicky Milner said: “I'm all for regeneration and wanting better but Bradford has a serious homeless/drugs/Street crime problem. Get that sorted and people will feel safer about coming into Bradford. I went down last week for the first time in a while and was appalled to see that there's actually tents! Not to mention the countless druggies begging or slumped in downways."

Annie Noble said: “Interesting, I lived in Bradford from 1984-2014 and my 4 children grew up there. My first reaction to the video was horror, though by the time I moved away I was already avoiding the City Centre as it had become depressing, soulless, and scary. I hope there will be positive changes and outcomes for the City.

Elaine Goldsbrough said: "I walk across Bradford city centre to and from work most early and l late evenings. Due to road works I now have to park in the Broadway. As always I feel perfectly safe walking through Bradford. My biggest worry is being knocked over by delivery cyclists who pass me, in front of City Hall/Mirror Pool, at full speed only a few inches away from my shoulder. Will these cycle lanes prevent this? Basically these delivery bikes, plus boy bike racers, are the only bikes one sees in central Bradford weaving in and out of pedestrians."

Alex Lacey said: "I think a lot of the changes are positive. Shame so many negative people as per about Bradford. Although interchange issue is poor."

Shak Azam said: "Great videos thanks for sharing."

Matthew Broadbent said: "Thanks for taking the time for us mate. Glad there’s so much development happening."

Jane McGrath said: "Haven't been around the city centre for 8 years since I moved to Greece. I loved seeing it."

Maureen Weatherall said: “Thank you for this really informative, only way to see what is being done."

Barbara Kelly said: "Great idea to this T&A. Bradford needs a boost. We will come back when it's safe to walk round, car pollution free and the bus system has been sorted. Bradford has so many pluses."

Barbara Thompson said: “Another very interesting video."

Community answers

What would you like to see in Bradford city centre

"It's a huge time of change for Bradford as the centre is transformed. What is the one thing you would like to see as part of this transformation?"

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