A BID to retain a take away at a Bradford mill has been refused by planning officers.

Last year a retrospective application for a take away at the Gatehouse building of Greenhill Mills, off Florence Street, was refused by Bradford Council.

Officers said the extension to the mill building, constructed in May 2019 without planning permission, was "completely alien" to the surrounding traditional mill buildings.

This year a second application for a take away business was submitted by N Hussain. This called for the structure to be demolished and a more sympathetic extension built in its place.

Now officers have refused this application too.

Retrospective plan for take away described as 'completely alien feature' is refused

They said the plans would go against the Council's take away policy, which prevents new hot food take aways from opening within 400m of a school or leisure facility.

Officers said this take away was within 400m of St Mary's and St Peter's Roman Catholic Primary School, a gym and Attock Park.

They also pointed out that the application had no detail of the business' opening times, or how odour from the cooking would be dealt with.

14 people had also objected to the plans, raising concerns about parking problems the business could cause and litter.