CHILDREN inspiring other children is a sight-to-behold in education and those who go above-and-beyond at a young age deserve to be recognised.

The shortlist for this award included: Hanzala Mansoor from Thornbury Primary Leadership Academy, Ishmal Zahra from Belle Vue Girls' Academy and Paris Somma from Bradford Forster Academy.

The winner was Hanzala Mansoor, a maths-lover who wants to help the world through his job when he's older.

Hanzala was described by one of his teachers as "remarkable" and "an all-round cracker".

The teacher said: "He's very shy, keeps himself to himself, but he has a lot to offer.

"I find his maturity absolutely extraordinary and he's just an all-round cracker."

Another teacher, Claire Daddy, who nominated Hanzala, says he exemplifies perseverance and tenacity.

Hanzala said: "It makes me feel proud that teachers are saying these things to me.

"It makes me feel good."

The Thornbury Primary pupil, who has bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss and wears two hearing aids, says his favourite things at school are maths and helping teachers and other children.

This includes providing support for younger hearing impaired students in the school.

Mrs Daddy said Hanzala models positive practices in both wearing his aids and accessing a full curriculum.

Hanzala said: "I think it's important to help other people, so they can learn more and make a difference in their work.

"I'm using my knowledge to help somebody else.

"It makes me feel proud because I've been elected from the school.

"I'm representing this school to make more people come.

"It can help make my future."

That future will be in engineering, Hanzala hopes.

He said: "I want to become an engineer when I'm older.

"I just want to invent stuff to help people around the world and just to help people around."

Read our other in-depth interviews with each winner below:

Or take a look at how the overall event went here...