
  • Gang hunted after raid on city jewellery shop - VIDEO

    A police hunt was under way tonight following a robbery at a jewellery store in Bradford. A gang of men forced their way into Heera Jewellers, in Leeds Road, Bradford, at about 6pm yesterday before making off with a quantity of jewellery.

  • Bradford City FA Cup tickets on sale from 1.30pm

    All tickets for Bradford City's FA Cup first-round tie against Rochdale will go on general sale from 1.30pm tomorrow. A club statement said: "The reaction to the club offering season-ticket holders the chance to reserve their usual seats has

  • Royal honours for Shipley designers

    The Duke of Gloucester has presented the boss of a Shipley electronics firm with its Queen’s Award for Innovation. Eric Hawthorn, managing director of Radio Design Limited, was presented with the award on Friday, which it won earlier this year

  • Walker quits as director of rugby at Otley

    Gary Walker has stood down as Otley’s director of rugby for business reasons. Club secretary Marc Lawrence confirmed: “Gary has resigned his position as director of rugby. “He informed the players on Tuesday night of his decision which

  • Cue star Brennan on the ball for Ireland

    Pool ace Laura Brennan is right on cue to achieve national recognition. Brennan, who lives in Wibsey, will play for Ireland later this month at the European trials in Dublin, having qualified through her Irish grandfather. She explained: “It was on

  • Avenue keeping FA Cup dream alive

    In a week when behind-the-scenes events threatened to overshadow Bradford Park Avenue’s on-pitch heroics, fortunately the focus remains on tomorrow’s FA Cup first-round tie at AFC Totton. Avenue have battled through to the stage when Football League

  • Small is beautiful for Dales Council League

    The Dales Council League have become the latest league to change the way they are governed. At their annual meeting last night at Pudsey Congs, they opted to be run by a slimmed-down executive committee, rather than officials and club representatives

  • Albion Sports' momentum stalls again

    A familiar frustrating scenario is facing Kulwinder Sandhu and his Albion Sports side this weekend as they face another blank Saturday. Albion’s first season on the non-League pyramid has been affected by a glut of away fixtures and some inactive weekends

  • Parsley’s call to arms for Farsley players

    Farsley boss Neil Parsley was disappointed that his side were unable to beat ten men last weekend but had praise for his opposite number. Parsley’s men lost 2-1 at home to Evo-Stik League Division One North leaders Skelmersdale United after the game

  • City and Town women set for close cup contest

    Bradford City travel to Huddersfield Town on Sunday for a Women's FA Cup third-round qualifying game that should be yet another close contest between clubs who span 23 years. Fortunes have fluctuated between the two but this latest clash sees them separated

  • Knockout theme continues in Sunday Alliance

    After last week's County Cup and Trophy exploits, the Bradford Sunday Alliance League clubs are still in cup action this weekend but this time it is the League Cup that take centre stage. West Bowling and Mill Lane clash in an all-Premier Division

  • Little Horton danger driver spared jail after fifth offence

    A judge has spared a 25-year-old man an immediate jail sentence for his fifth offence of dangerous driving because of the unusual circumstances of the case. James Mellor, of Swarland Grove, Little Horton, Bradford, had a full driving licence and was

  • 2012 JCT600 Bradford League fixtures

    Saturday, April 21 Division One: East Bierley v Pudsey St Lawrence; Lightcliffe v Undercliffe; Manningham Mills v Farsley; Pudsey Congs v Cleckheaton; Hanging Heaton v Saltaire; Woodlands v Bradford & Bingley. Division Two: Bankfoot v Brighouse; Spen

  • Bradford remembers in silent tribute - VIDEO

    Crowds gathered at Bradford Cenotaph to observe a two-minute silence marking Armistice Day today. The tribute started at 11am, the time the guns on the Western Front fell silent at the end of the First World War on the 11th day of the 11th

  • Bradford College media students win opportunity to be mentored

    Two Bradford College students have got a helping hand into the animation world after they won the chance to be mentored by three big names in the industry. The students were selected after they won a prestigious animation competition in conjunction with

  • Bradford actor Aqib Khan appears in new ITV drama

    A Bradford teenager is starring in a gripping television drama alongside some of Britain’s top acting names. Aqib Khan, 17, made his acting debut in film comedy West is West and the young actor’s second role is in The Jury, a five-part series which has

  • Fight for heart unit goes to Commons

    Support is building for a campaign to retain a children’s heart surgery unit which serves the residents of Bradford. Representatives and trustees of the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF), doctors and councillors presented the Yorkshire and The Humber

  • Divided by age, united in memorial

    Today’s Telegraph & Argus front page focuses on two people generations apart but united in remembrance. On the day the nation unites in tribute to our fallen servicemen and women for Armistice Day, 17-year-old Rosemary Clarke and centenarian Albert Joyner

  • Helping people make it in the UK

    Making Britain is the title of a forthcoming exhibition of photographs by Bradford photo-journalist Tim Smith, marking the 21st anniversary of Bradford jobs and training charity QED-UK – Quest for Economic Determination. Channel 4’s two-part reality

  • Two-station success

    SIR – Having two railway stations both with great freight yards and fine hotels did not hinder Bradford from becoming the wool capital of the world, where at least three-fifths (it may have been more) of all the wool grown in the world was processed,

  • Bradford CAB warns of 'despicable' scam

    Bradford’s Citizens’ Advice Bureau has issued a warning about bogus callers impersonating the agency to prey on vulnerable people with money worries by offering them fraudulent debt help. The organisation’s debt manager Alex Bohdanowicz branded the scam

  • Friday, November 11, 2011

    25 years ago: A scheme to transform a rundown city centre area into Bradford’s own West End was set to be launched. 50 years ago: Right Reverend Clement George St Michael Parker, the new Bishop of Bradford, led his ministers past the crowded pews after

  • See light on rail plan

    SIR – The recent letter from John Atkinson on the provision of a light rail link across Bradford is in line with points I mentioned in your columns over 12 years ago. For a long time my heart has been with the provision of a cross-rail scheme for Bradford

  • City Park scepticism

    SIR – I’ve just been into the city centre and I am reminded of an old Bradford saying when sceptical of a planned event – “If City Park is opened this month, I’ll show my bald-head in Busby’s shop window”. Come on City Hall, any day now another delay

  • ‘Space’ not protest

    SIR – My friend and fellow-Christian, Emmerson Walgrave, is under the same misconception as most of the media when he describes those who occupied Centenary Square, and still camping out on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral and 900 other sites throughout

  • Premium no boost

    SIR – Coun John Hall’s claims regarding his Coalition Government’s treatment of our schools (Letters, October 31) do not bear scrutiny. He trumpets the Pupil Premium as evidence that schools budgets are growing. If only. Our schools’ capital budgets

  • Statement surprise is a lesson to remember

    SIR – I wonder if any of your other readers have experienced this particular way the banks go about extracting money from their customers. I normally pay my credit card bill in full each month but in August after checking all the entries I wrote a cheque

  • The bricks that build our motto

    I have long been of the opinion that my family deserves its own motto. I’ve just never been sure of what it should be. I once looked up the meaning of the name “Barnett” on one of those genealogy websites, and it turned out to be “a patch of land cleared

  • Ali throws weight behind Bradford charity bid

    A Bradford humanitarian charity’s project to build a children’s hospital in Pakistan has been given weighty backing by boxing legend Muhammad Ali. Basic Human Rights, based in Sunbridge Road, is already running medical camps and mobile health units in

  • Modest man of people

    SIR – Last June I was sitting outside the cafe by the River Wharfe in Otley enjoying a mug of coffee when a beautiful grey chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce drew up. A man got out of the passenger seat. It was Jimmy Savile. He fetched a coffee

  • Residents angry over 'danger' pond in Wilsden

    Residents of a Wilsden housing estate are locked in a battle with a developer over the management of an overgrown mill pond, which they say is dangerous and will cost thousands of pounds to put right. Procter Brothers Master Builders, based

  • Morrisons thrilled by increase in shoppers

    Bradford-based Morrisons attracted record numbers of customers to its stores in the latest quarter, it has revealed today. The supermarket chain, which boasts an 11.8 per cent share of the grocery market, said like-for-like sales were up 2.4 per cent

  • Holme Wood driver 'utterly reckless'

    An uninsured driver filmed from the police helicopter as he was pursued at speed across central Bradford acted with “sheer stupidity,” a judge said. George Leadbitter, 50, sat in the dock with his head in his hands as aerial footage of the chase was

  • Otley teachers strike over school plan

    About 50 teachers received honks and waves of support from motorists and passers-by as they staged the first in a series of strikes in Otley yesterday. The staff were joined by parents and union representatives as they picketed outside Prince Henry’s

  • Gillespie tipped to become first-team coach at Yorkshire

    Jason Gillespie could be set for a return to Yorkshire as their new first-team coach. The former Australian Test fast bowler, currently coaching Gary Ballance’s Mid West Rhinos side in Zimbabwe, has thrown his hat into the ring to replace Craig White

  • I've handed over penalty-taking duties to Fagan

    I told the lads it was a lucky superstition that I missed the first penalty again on Tuesday! I had full confidence in the rest of them in the shoot-out and they came through brilliantly. But I had a chat with Fages afterwards about

  • Major water works programme for Bradford

    Work starts on Monday on a £2.5 million project to replace old water pipes in 43 streets across the Bradford district. In one of the biggest projects of its kind, Yorkshire Water is replacing cast iron pipes, many dating back to Victorian times

  • City bucks trend on home births

    The number of women giving birth at home in Bradford is increasing, bucking a national trend. Nationally there has been a continued fall in the proportion of women giving birth at home, according to new data published yesterday. In 2010 in England and