
  • Soccer stars on Parade for fans

    Bradford residents enjoyed an action-packed weekend of summer fun with events taking place across the city. Fun-seekers flocked to events at Bradford City's Valley Parade stadium, the Horton Park Surgery and Idle Library, while the Basketball Barmy competition

  • 'No doubts over speed cameras'

    A road safety boss in Bradford has pledged it is business as usual for the district's speed cameras amid reports the schemes have been halted by the Government. Government ministers have called a halt to the installation of new speed cameras in the area

  • City Hall hits back in road funds row

    Bradford Council is defending itself against criticisms that a road maintenance budget has been raided to fund a war on 'potholes'. The row erupted after Councillor Dave Green (Lab, Wibsey) was told by Council officer that a footway in his ward could

  • Caring Toni totters off with top award!

    When Toni Tolley heard her name called out as winner of the Heaton and Manningham Young Persons Citizenship Awards the thought racing through her mind was: "I hope I don't fall over in my heels." The Heaton 18-year-old was shocked to discover she was

  • Letters to the Editor

    A great chance for Bradford's young SIR - As a West Bowling Golf Club member and having read your story regarding development at West Bowling Golf Club (T&A, July 11), I really do despair at the government and our local MPs who seem unwilling or unable

  • Results improve at Pace

    In the week that saw analysts Deloitte reporting that the UK has the potential to become one of the worlds 'hi-tech titans', our local technology leader, Pace Micro Techology broadcasted their full year results. The figures signalled a optimistic turn

  • The revolution will be televised

    For 20 years Pace Micro Technology has been pushing forward television's technological barriers. It has become a key international maker of set top boxes for pay TV channels such as SKY and Comcast in the United States. In this world exclusive report,

  • 'My franchise makes brass from muck'

    Judith Porter, a former human resources manager from Shipley, was looking for a fresh and exciting change from personnel work with West Yorkshire police. So she chose a business sector where she could literally clean up. Capitalising on people's natural

  • 'Innovation is key to future prosperity'

    Bradford's outstanding creativity and innovation, along with its growing band of innovative entrepreneurs, can give it a business boost to ensure its future prosperity. This is the upbeat message from influential businessman and Yorkshire Forward chairman

  • Muslim leaders appeal for unity

    The district's Muslim leaders met in Bradford to decide how to go forward in the wake of the London terror bombings. Faith leaders agreed to work closely with West Yorkshire Police to stop the spread of alarming rumours that could create community tension

  • Car thieves face kock-in

    Vehicle thieves in Brad-ford are being targeted with new "capture cars" which will lock them inside. The specially-designed cars trap criminals who break in to them. This week the cars are being strategically placed around the district. The capture cars

  • New boys look good

    The Bulls strengthened their grip on a play-off berth with a ten-try demolition of Leigh at Odsal yesterday. Australian centre Ben Harris grabbed a hat-trick, while hooker Ian Henderson also crossed on his home debut in a 58-12 romp. The full version

  • Muslim leaders appeal for unity

    The district's Muslim leaders met in Bradford to decide how to go forward in the wake of the London terror bombings. Faith leaders agreed to work closely with West Yorkshire Police to stop the spread of alarming rumours that could create community tension

  • Car thieves face lock-in

    Vehicle thieves in Bradford are being targeted with new "capture cars" which will lock them inside. The specially-designed cars trap criminals who break in to them. The full version of this story is in this evening's Telegraph & Argus, and will appear

  • The safest place to live in Yorkshire

    The Keighley police division is the safest place to live in the county, according to new West Yorkshire force figures. Figures released by the division show that the average crime rate in the area is almost a third less than the force average. Across

  • Welcome aid for truly vital service

    The landscape of Bradford, with its hills, moors and clogged road arteries, means that the service provided by the York-shire Air Ambulance is absolutely vital. The helicopter service can attend patients and have them carried off to hospital within minutes

  • Flood-hit pub back under water again

    A pub which only reopened two months ago after being ravaged by floods last August has been forced to shut its doors again after a 20-minute thunderstorm. Water ran through the Royal Oak in Haworth during flash floods last Tuesday, leaving six inches

  • Centenary Square to get restaurants

    A restaurant that fuses Indian and Middle Eastern food is the latest signing for Bradford city centre's £8.5 million Centenary Square complex. The Masti Restaurant and Shisha lounge is due to open in September. It will join the £1.8 million Lloyd's Bar

  • 'Fitness increases your productivity'

    Shipley brothers Tom and Matt Clough have found out that every cloud really does have a silver lining. When the sports-loving pair had their dreams of a career in rugby league shattered by a string of series injuries, they turned bad luck to their advantage

  • Valve firm branches out with acquisition

    A Cleckheaton company is poised to become one of the top global distributors of industrial valves following its latest major acquisition. The Transmark International Group (TIG) has bought the European and Australasian distribution divisions of FCX International

  • 'Join us and help our city develop'

    The leading lights of Bradford's business community were at City Hall today for a working breakfast with Council leader Margaret Eaton. They were there to hear about the authority's plans for the next three years. But Councillor Eaton was also urging

  • Bradford's tops say the flying medics

    Lives are being saved across the county thanks to the generosity of Bradford people. People and businesses in the district contribute more to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance than any other area it serves. In the last financial year YAA received £250,738.04

  • Waseem revels in the sunshine for Undercliffe

    Yeadon skipper John Henry found himself in a unique position just a few overs into the game at home to fellow promotion-chasers Undercliffe. Henry was bowled in the second over of the game but three overs later was called back out into the middle by the

  • City miss out on junior

    Colin Todd has switched his attacking attentions elsewhere after missing out on Junior. The Brazilian, linked with City throughout the summer, has signed for Watford for two years. The full version of this story is in this evening's Telegraph & Argus

  • 'Join us and help our city develop'

    The leading lights of Bradford's business community were at City Hall today for a working breakfast with Council leader Margaret Eaton. They were there to hear about the authority's plans for the next three years. The full version of this story is in

  • Bradford's tops say the flying medics

    Lives are being saved across the county thanks to the generosity of Bradford people. People and businesses in the district contribute more to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance than any other area it serves. The full version of this story is in this evening's