In 1927, five-year-old Prince Mihai succeeded to the throne after the death of King Ferdinand of Bucharest.

In 1932, British doctors said young people are too slim, smoke and drink too much and have little sleep, clothes or food.

In 1958, the Government announced an expansion in polio vaccination.

25 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of July 21, 1981...More than 100 people attended a protest meeting against a sex shop that was due to open in Keighley. A campaign against porn was launched with volunteers agreeing to collect 10,000 signatures for a petition to send to the Prime Minister.

50 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of July 21, 1956...Drivers will be able to park at night without lights under new rules, according to a committee. The Watch Committee proposed that vehicles would be able to stand without lights at ten streets across Bradford.