There was standing room only by the time Tom Jones took to the stage at Bradford’s Rainbow Lyceum to introduce Jerry Lee Lewis.

Those who were there never forgot it – and those who weren’t there wished they had been.

The concert, back in 1966, launched a week of gigs featuring the two stars, which was the talk of Bradford for months to come.

“It went down in music history in Bradford, no doubt about it,” says Garth Cawood, whose band the Dingos were residents at the Lyceum.

Jerry Lee Lewis, backed by Tarp Tarrant on drums, played a week of double engagements, appearing at the Rainbow Lyceum club and the Paradise Club in Guiseley. It is said that, having met Jerry on the first night, Tom borrowed a record player to play him a new song he had recorded – his version of Green Green Grass Of Home, released earlier by the American singer. “It’s a hit,” said Jerry. And he was right.

Forty-four years on, the historic week-long series of gigs in Bradford, headlined by Tom and Jerry (not the cartoon cat and mouse – just two cool cats), is to be remembered at a nostalgic tribute night. The event looks back on the days of the Lyceum Rainbow Club in Laisterdyke, which later became the Talk Of Yorkshire until it closed in the 1970s.

Garth Cawood, who is compering the tribute night, says the aim is to re-create the atmosphere of one of Bradford’s most memorable music events.

“There will be lots of people in Bradford who remember the Lyceum and the Talk Of Yorkshire; the place was jammed seven nights a week. It held about 800 people and there were always queues to get in,” says Garth.

“Television personalities and actors who were in Bradford on tour used to go there. It was like a ‘who’s who’ of big names at the time. Stars like Engelbert Humperdink, Dave Berry and the Cruisers, Johnny Ray and Vera Lynn appeared there.

“There was comedy too, with acts like Mike and Bernie Winters. It was a variety club, similar to Batley Variety Club.”

Garth adds: “Tom Jones played there and he brought Jerry Lee Lewis over for a week of nightly concerts. Tom was the compere, sang a few songs, and introduced Jerry to the stage.

“It went down as the biggest set of shows ever in Bradford and is an important part of the city’s nightclub history – although they were known as night theatres, not nightclubs, back then. We want to re-create that atmosphere.”

The nostalgia event, featuring Tom Jones tribute act Tony Gold and Jerry Lee Lewis tribute act Al Kilvington and the Acres, will be compered by Garth, who was compere at the Talk Of Yorkshire for three years.

“The city has undergone many changes, but over those years music from that era has lived on,” says Garth. “I’m sure there are many people who’d be keen to re-create those days.”

Bradford Cabaret Night: Remembering The Lyceum Rainbow Club And The Talk Of Yorkshire, will be at the Hilton Hotel on Saturday, February 20. Tickets are available from Dave Metcalfe on 07947450571 or Tony Sykes on 07885322748, or from Paul James Independent Jewellers in Rawson Square, Bradford.