Five Quest Taekwondo members will travel to Holland at the end of May to compete in the international Dutch Masters competition in Rotterdam.

Hannah Mayes, 17 from Wibsey, Natasha Burdock, 14 from Silsden, and Jake Barnett, 16 from Baildon, will compete in the Juniors (under-18s) group, while Jamie Kidd and Liam Burdock, both nine and from Silsden, will compete in the Cadets (under-14s) group.

They will be coached by Rick Simpson, who is taking the team to this competition for more international experience.

“Its not just about the competing” said Simpson “It's all about the preparation - ensuring your diet is right before the weigh-in, spending 18 hours travelling to the weigh-in, doing the weigh-in, replenishing your body correctly (if you were watching your weight), getting a good night’s sleep and then getting your head in the right place on the morning of the competition”.