The final round of this year’s Calder League was won by Dave Armitage with 9lb of roach and perch from just above Cooper Bridge. Paul Clarke had 6lb 15oz for second place from River Street and joint third was Dave Pollitt and Geoff Scollick for 4lb 14oz. The winning team overall for the series was Punky’s 8, with 39 points from the six-match series. Ultimate Barnsley came second with 36½ points. Paul Clarke finished top of the individual aggregate weight with 52lb 10oz. Roecliffe is closed this Sunday for our open match. Day-ticket prices for Chellow Dene are now £3 for seniors and £1 for juniors, ladies and OAPs. These are available from Tackle 2U in Bradford and Hill Top News, Allerton Road. Milby Cut is continuing to fish well for roach on bread punch and pole.


The last open match at Rodley was won by G Drurey with 3lb 3oz, runner-up Richard Thornton 2lb 2oz, 3 Robert Thornton 1lb 7oz. Last week’s Christmas Cheer match at Rodley was fished in spring-like conditions. The winner was E Harrison with 3lb 3oz, 2 M Mannion 2lb 1oz, 3 G Reeday 1lb, 4 D Jackson 10oz. Prizes were in the form of supermarket vouchers. The winner completed a successful weekend, having taken a large pike from a local reservoir the previous day.


Our next trip is an inshore trip to Whitby on November 26. Anyone wishing to book on this trip should telephone Brian on 07901-717615.

Our annual meeting is next Tuesday in the New Inn, East Bierley starting at 8pm. New members will be made most welcome.


The Christmas Cheer match will be on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Crossflatts, meet top of Canal Road for 9am draw. Telephone A Greenwood 07971-428678. This match is now fully booked.


The next coarse match is this Sunday with a 9am draw in the car park, £10 all in. All members welcome. Would all members please drive carefully along the lane and be aware of the boulders along the side of the road by the entrance.


Open match on River Swale at Swainby this Sunday. For bookings telephone 01274-615016.