1. The fight begins in a very cautious way with plenty of posturing but few punches thrown. Witter tries to tempt Morua by dangling his left hand towards him but his opponent doesn't fall into the trap and keeps a tight guard. It is a dull start with nothing for the crowd to get excited about. DRAW

2. Witter lands the first shots in anger with a couple to the head which briefly back Morua against the ropes. Another to the body brings a flicker of a smile to the Mexican's lips. Witter switches freely between orthodox stance and southpaw and foxes Morua with the speed of his punches. WITTER WINS

3. Witter is finding the target with his left hook and three punishing blows get through Morua's guard. A straight left clips the side of the challenger's head. Witter is in command but his work is not as precise as you would expect. WITTER WINS

4. Morua shows a bit of aggression at last and comes out of his shell with a brief flurry. Witter again looks to break his concentration by showboating with his right arm, lifting it up and down and from side to side before catching the Mexican with a left dug into the ribs. DRAW

5. This is more like it as the fight sparks to life. An early success from Morua brings an immediate response and he is soon scrambling for cover. A Witter left hook finds its target before he unleashes a punishing blow just before the bell - the best punch of the contest so far and Morua is glad to get away. WITTER WINS

6. Morua finds a hole in Witter's defence and jolts back the champion's head but it becomes a messy round with both fighters getting tangled up. Few clean blows from either side. DRAW

7. Morua touches the floor after being clipped by a left hand to the back of the head but Adams does not rule it as a knockdown. Morua is happy to dive for cover as Witter keeps advancing although he takes another stinging cross to the top of the head just before the bell. WITTER WINS

8. The left hook remains Witter's most effective weapon and he pings one against Morua's neck before switching stances once again in an attempt to bamboozle his stubborn opponent in the closing stages. DRAW

9. Morua hangs on from an early barrage but is pinned in the corner by several pile-driving left-handers. Witter rains the shots on his victim, swapping targets from head to body before Adams steps in. Surprisingly the referee gives Morua a standing count rather than waving it off. It buys the Mexican a few seconds' breather but Witter charges straight back in and another unanswered salvo earns the stoppage with 48 seconds left in the round.

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