A nine-strong team from Heckmondwike Cycle Speedway Club battled soaring temperatures and a strong Edinburgh team to finish second behind their annual hosts in Scotland.

They scored 64 points as Edinburgh won after posting 86, with Heck rider Pawel Idziorek breaking the course record in heat three and again in heat six.

In the junior event, Will Naylor scored maximum points in all four races for Heck but they could only field two under-12 riders against Edinburgh’s four and were beaten by ten points.

Heck won the combination section by a six-point margin as Jake Wood scored a maximum.

Training continues at the club’s Firth Park base throughout the school holidays on Wednesdays from 7.30pm.

Call Darren Kent (01484-650076) or Justin Naylor (07799-367370) for details or visit the website heckmondwikecyclespeedway.webeden.co.uk.