FUMING Eamon O’Carroll admitted the Bulls “got what they deserved” in their one-point loss at Batley.

Josh Woods nailed a late game-clincher to edge the lowly hosts to a 21-20 win – only their third of the season.

The Bulls had led by 12 in the first half after two Zac Fulton tries and O’Carroll blasted his side for lacking game management.

“There wasn’t any,” he said. “I challenged them at half-time about that.

“We’ve had this conversation far too many times with this group about respecting a game plan and sticking to it.

READ MORE: Bulls show their worst side in Batley defeat

“We clearly got rewarded for that early on but for whatever reason we went away from it.”

“I’m disappointed but we got what we deserved.

“The limited time we do get to train with each other, we went away from the things we practise during that period quite clearly.

“It’s very easily fixed but there comes a point when you have to trust the group, and I do, to get it done.

“We had this against York, we did it against Widnes and now it has happened again. I know where we’re going wrong and I’ll find the reasons why that is and do the right thing.”

Tom Holmes scored a late try to level it up before Woods landed the drop-goal. The Bulls still had time to line up another attempt themselves – but lacked any composure in the closing seconds.

“My lad’s under-12s team would have nailed that bit,” added O’Carroll, who lost skipper Michael Lawrence with a pulled hamstring in their final training session.

“There’s an underlying feeling that I knew this could happen.

“Clearly my job is to help the group first and foremost and hold them accountable, which I will do.

“But you can only do this so many times and then something needs to change.

“Hopefully we’ll be getting some bodies back for next week and see what we can do there.

“It’s easy for me now to go and put the bullet in a load of people. It’s my job to help them but they’ve got to start getting it done now.

“I love the group and what they do but we need to be better. The expectation at this club is much higher than that.

“My job is to help them and sometimes that means being hard on them.

“The pictures won’t lie and they’ll know. But it’s happened one too many times for me now.”