Bradford Bulls have announced the signing of experienced forward Daniel Smith on a two-year deal.

Smith, 30, is a graduate of the Leeds Rhinos Academy system and has since enjoyed spells in Super League with Wakefield Trinity, Huddersfield Giants and Castleford Tigers most recently.

The Pontefract-born forward this year made a mid-season move to Featherstone Rovers, where he made 18 appearances, scoring twice to help James Ford’s side win the League Leaders’ Shield.

Smith has spoken of his excitement at starting life in the red, amber and black, as well as getting the chance to reunite with former team-mates and neighbours.

He said: “I am delighted to get the deal across the line.

“The club contacted me last week and it has all happened really quickly, so I am really happy and excited to get stuck into training and to try and get Bradford back into Super League.

“When I spoke to Freddy (incoming head coach Eamon O’Carroll) and (CEO) Jason Hirst, they sold the club really well with the things they want to put in place to succeed next year.

“The playing squad is very good and I thought they were the best team I played against last season.

“With the history of the club, it is one of the biggest in England, so I am really happy to be a part of it and I can’t wait.“

Smith added: “I know a few of the lads and have faced them quite a bit.

I also played amateur rugby with Ben Blackmore, while Tom Holmes and Joe Arundel live around the corner, so I am excited to be back playing with them.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: A three-man car share might be on the cards for Joe Arundel (above) and Tom Holmes now Daniel Smith has joined the club. A three-man car share might be on the cards for Joe Arundel (above) and Tom Holmes now Daniel Smith has joined the club. (Image: Tom Pearson.)

“I am 30 now, and having played in Super League for 10 years, I have experience.

“Hopefully, that means I can help the younger lads and push the standards to get the best out of everyone.”

O’Carroll believes Smith’s qualities will complement those of the existing players in his ranks, as the forward becomes the 27th member of the former Irish international’s 2024 roster.

He said: “We have been looking to recruit and bring in quality in this position for some time, but it’s important we brought the right person in.

“Once we heard of Dan’s availability, we worked quickly to ensure we got this over the line.

“We believe Dan will be the perfect fit for us and will complement the quality we have in our pack.

“Dan is an intelligent footballer who has the ability to disrupt the opposition’s defensive lines with his late footwork and his ability to offload.

“He also has great pass selection, which will certainly add to how we want to play this year.

“I really feel we have great balance in our pack now.

“I’m really happy with how our squad is shaping up, having retained a number of key individuals and bringing in quality with Sam (Hallas), Mitch (Souter), Will (Oakes) and now Dan.

“We are still hopeful of adding to our roster before the start of pre-season too.”