Luke Gale admits the Bulls must raise their game again on Saturday as they seek to claim their first home win of the season.

Wigan are the visitors to Odsal and Mick Potter’s team have a mountainous task on their hands to stop the likes of Sam Tomkins, Pat Richards and Josh Charnley.

The Warriors recorded a big win over Leeds Rhinos last weekend to kick-start their campaign after a disappointing opening-round home defeat to Huddersfield.

Yet victory at Castleford, which answered a few questions about their own character, has similarly poured confidence into Bradford this week.

Gale was a pivotal figure at the PROBIZ Coliseum but he believes his side have to improve further on Sunday.

For the scrum half, signed from Harlequins in the close season, that means looking after the ball and keeping handling errors to a minimum.

Gale said: “We weren’t too clever in the first game and Catalan took it to us. But we worked hard in training last week and came back at Castleford with a really good display.

“We showed character through a lot of adversity, with the two injuries to James Donaldson and Adrian Purtell and the sin-binning for Heath L’Estrange.

“We ground out the victory and it was a very pleasing win.

“Our goal-line defence was terrific but you don’t want to spill that much ball and concede the kind of field position we gave Castleford.

“Wigan will be too good offensively if we do that.

“I watched them against Leeds last week and they’re a great side.

“But we’ve worked hard this week and looked at a few videos to see where we can get at them.”

First and foremost, the Bulls will again look to win the physical battle up front. Their pack held the upper hand at Castleford, giving Gale and half-back partner Jarrod Sammut a platform to build on.

“That won us the game really,” said Gale.

“If the forwards win that battle, it makes my job easier.

“They were brilliant at Castleford and laid the platform really.”

Despite atrocious conditions, Gale and Sammut showed signs of a promising partnership and will look to continue in a similar vein tomorrow.

Gale said: “The more that Jarrod and I play together, the better we get to know each other’s game.

“I’m really pleased with how things are shaping up.

“Every week we will learn more about each other’s game and it will keep coming good, I’m sure.

“In training we work on little partnerships and there is competition for places there too.”

For now, Gale’s immediate focus is on helping the Bulls to their first home win of the season.

Stopping Wigan’s array of stars from playing is vital.

Gale added: “Brett Finch controls the game brilliantly and Tommy Leuluai is an elusive runner.

“With Sam Tomkins at the back, they’ve got some world-class players.

“Wigan have got threats everywhere and we need to be strong defensively again.”

Gale would love to reward the fans who saw the Bulls thumped at Odsal a fortnight ago.

He added: “I don’t want to dwell too much on the Catalan game but 10,000 people turned up, which was brilliant considering the conditions, with snow and ice everywhere.

“It would be massive to get a win at home and give the fans what they deserve.”