Otley 45, Luctonians 26

With the exception of man of the match Dan Temm, who suffered a knee injury, Otley made no changes to last week’s conquering side, the influential Johnathan Matthews coming into the back row and they carried on in the same vein, scoring seven tries, this time all from the forwards.

The hosts demonstrated their supremacy from the kick-off, winning a penalty at the first scrum which was pushed into the corner.

From there they drove over, lock Jon Stannard grounding before two minutes were on the clock, winger Chris Gemmell converting - the first of five great strikes.

Half-backs Stephen Depledge and Ben Fairclough kept the backs moving but it was the pack who took over whenever they got near the line, although it wasn't until the 19th minute that Matthews was driven over.

Then tries came at regular intervals - from hooker Luke Cole, back-rower Tom O’Donnell and a second from Matthews - for a 33-0 half-time lead.

Luctonians made a better start after the break, full back Drew Cheshire coming up to score and centre John Morris converting but Matthews then went over for a third.

Changes to both sides altered the shape of the game and the visitors made inroads with tries from Morris and winger Alex Rumsey, Morris converting both before popular prop Toby Williams broke from a line-out to power 30 metres to the line.

A second try from Rumsey in added time earned his side a bonus point.