BETWEEN them, they have played 924 games for Leeds and scored 2,168 points but it will all come to an end at Old Trafford on Saturday night.

Rhinos captain Danny McGuire, who turns 35 in December, made the first of his 423 appearances against Salford 16 years ago, three months after his long-standing half-back partner Rob Burrow made his bow against Hull.

Burrow, who turned 35 a week ago, will bring his career to a close just eight matches short of 500 in a fitting manner in the Super League Grand Final while McGuire will lead his team out for the last time as he prepares for a new challenge with promoted Hull KR.

"I think it will be something that will hit me afterwards," said McGuire, who will be hoping to win his eighth Super League ring.

"I've been here since I was 12 years old and to be at one place for such a long time, you don't really see it much now.

"I've loved every minute and I've got some real good memories. Hopefully there is still another chapter to go on Saturday night.

"I'm more excited for it really. It will be emotional. It's a great week is Grand Final week, you've got to soak it all up and enjoy it and not get too distracted."

Leeds centre Liam Sutcliffe, 22, fondly remembers standing on the terraces as a Rhinos fan cheering on the international half-backs and admits there is a burning desire within the team to send them out on a high.

"As a kid I always used to look up to Danny and Rob and the next minute to be training and playing with them is kind of a dream come true," Sutcliffe said. "I'm looking forward to running out with them for the last time on Saturday.

"They've been absolutely great for the club for however many years they've been here and it will be sad to see them go. Hopefully we can get a win and send them out on the right note.

"That would be massive."