Aire-Wharfe League secretary Howard Clayton hopes he is closing in on the culprit or culprits who accidentally damaged a fire door during the league's annual dinner at the Long Room in Headingley.

At the annual meeting, he said: "I have circulated all the clubs about the damage - the door was ripped off its hinges - and asked what time they left on the night.

"Only two clubs out of the 36 have yet to reply (Horsforth and Rawdon) and we know what time the damage occurred because the gateman noted it at the time.

"A picture is emerging and when we have those replies from the other two clubs, we will have a better picture.

"Ultimately it comes down to the good name of the league and the honour of the league but if we cannot find out who is responsible, we have the option of levying all 36 clubs equally with the bill for the damage."