City would love to find another Omar Daley this summer.

The Jamaican left Valley Parade last year to hook back up with Stuart McCall at Motherwell.

Daley claimed he had been offered a new deal to stay but it was then withdrawn by Peter Jackson.

Phil Parkinson has Kyel Reid to offer an exciting pace outlet on the left flank but he is searching for someone similar to attack down the right.

At the moment, teams can gang up on Reid as Port Vale did on Tuesday. With speedy wingers on both sides, opposition defences would be more stretched to cope.

Joint-chairman Mark Lawn said: “You’ve got spark with Reidy, so we’ve got one. Let’s see if we can grab another.

“What would you do if you had Omar on the right and him on the left? That would be a right handful for defenders.

“We want to get something like that and Phil’s been looking out there but unfortunately there are not many of those types about.”

The hunt also remains on for a proven striker after Parkinson lost out on Chris Dagnall to Barnsley in last month’s window.

Lawn added: “We’re missing one 20-a-year goalscorer but everybody will say the same.

“If we can bring one in, we will do. If we can’t, we’ll have to do with what we’ve got.

“We said we’d make money available for the right person (in January). Unfortunately, three of our targets have moved and got permanent jobs.

We have to look elsewhere now and we’re doing our research again.

“People will become available in the summer. Hopefully they are people who will want to drop down a league to come to Bradford City.”

But Lawn also made it clear that they will not take a risk on any players with medical question marks.

Paul Benson’s proposed move broke down at the 11th hour after surgeon Steve Bollen raised concerns over X-rays on his knee.

Lawn said: “You want to get the right man who’s fit and can still do the job.

“It’s imperative that whoever comes has not got injuries and that they are fit.”