Farsley Celtic 0 Moor Green 1

A man-of-the-match display by Moor Green goalkeeper Daniel Lewis saw him single-handedly prevent Farsley getting anything from a game they deserved to win handsomely.

Had Lewis made one outstanding save of the quality he did, you could have said he had earned his money. In fact, he made five breathtaking stops in the second half to preserve the Birmingham side's slender lead.

Celts boss Lee Sinnott maintains his troops are still learning since their promotion to the Conference North. Moor Green are well established, having finished seventh last term.

"The conditions made it difficult for both sides," admitted Sinnott.

"It was a strange one as we could have been 3-0 down early on but 5-3 up by half-time, it was that kind of an afternoon.

"If anyone says we didn't deserve something from the game, they have been watching something other than the rest of us.

"Sometimes you get what you deserve, sometimes you don't and that has happened in this game. It was a lesson, a very harsh one for our players in this instance, that you have to take your chances."

Farsley had three clear one-on-one efforts in the first half and missed the target each time. Moor Green had one, right on the half-hour mark, and Peter Foulds waited for Celts keeper Tom Morgan to commit before dinking a shot over him.

The tricky conditions enhanced the entertainment value as openings were created with almost every attack.

Foulds had been denied minutes earlier when rounding the prostrate Morgan, only to see home skipper Chris Stabb clear off the line.

Kevin Sanasy (twice), Martin Pem-berton, Simeon Bambrook and Kevin Reeves all had efforts, with the ones on target charged down or blocked as the midlanders defended well.

After the break they had to do even more work in their own area and Lewis came into his own.