CITY are going to have to do plenty more to impress Mark Hughes.

Back-to-back wins have raised spirits and expectations ahead of the long trek to Essex to face Colchester.

But Hughes has made it clear that the Bantams must keep getting better if they are going to achieve the promotion aim this season.

Harry Chapman revealed that the manager’s reaction after the weekend win over Newport underlined the high standards that he wants to set.

Chapman said: “Even after winning the game, he came in and thought we could have done better in the second half.

“But that’s what winning teams do. They are always driving the standards and that’s what we’re striving to be.

“Having a gaffer like ours with his mindset from everything that he’s done in the game is really important and hopefully that will rub off on us.

“I feel like the heat took it out of us. But you’ve still got to manage the game better and be more ruthless when chances come and put teams to the sword.”

Chapman scored his first goal in City colours with a driving run from just over the halfway line before catching out Newport keeper Nick Townsend by taking the shot early. Andy Cook followed up to make sure but it had already been given.

Chapman’s strike came soon after a half-time pep talk from Hughes about taking the onus on himself to go at defenders.

“I’d had a chance to do it in the first half and the gaffer spoke to me, saying to stay on the ball and be a bit more selfish.

“I did that in the second half with the goal and maybe could have done it again at another time but tried to pass to Cooky instead.

“There’s been a bit of banter in the changing room about the goal. Cooky was claiming it but the linesman had flagged.

“That’s why he scores so many with his desire to get in the box and be on the end of things. But it was definitely my goal.”

After knocking out Hull in the Carabao Cup first round and then seeing off 10-man Newport for a first league win, Chapman is happy for the quick turnaround before trekking to Essex.

“After the Barrow defeat, we went through the game and really knuckled down on what we can work on and improve. The fans could see that from the last two performances.

“None of us like losing football matches, the gaffer included.

“He spoke in the week about keeping up the momentum and the cup game spurring us on. I feel like we did that.

“Our back four was solid, midfield was covering really well and our attacking play was quite fluid.

“Obviously we can still get better and be more clinical. But that’s what we’re working on and striving towards.

“Momentum is key in this league. We want to keep winning football matches – that’s our mindset as a group and what we’re working towards.

“The games come thick and fast at the moment playing Saturday and Tuesday for the foreseeable future. We’ve got to be really professional and recover well to perform at our highest every time.”