JORDAN Lilley is banking on half-back partner Joe Keyes to maintain his “sensational” return to keep the Bulls in the play-off race.

Keyes has come back with a bang in the last five games after a persistent back problem laid him low since the end of last season.

The stand-off gave another big display in the one-point defeat at York, which left the Bulls three points adrift of the Championship top five.

Lilley believes his own game has improved in tandem with Keyes.

He said: “Joe’s been a massive loss to this team. We didn’t know if he was going to play again.

“He’s been sensational since he has come back and a credit to the team. It frees me up with what I do and makes me a better player."

Keyes could not have timed his comeback any better after Rowan Milnes broke his leg last month.

Lilley added: "I was starting to build something up with Rowan and getting some consistency but then obviously he got injured.

"There have been a few makeshift partners who have done a fantastic job but it’s nice to have someone of Joe’s calibre back in there.

"I could go on about Joe all day. He’s a great lad as well as a quality player."