SIR – I am sure economists across Europe are grateful for George Osborne’s observations as he blatantly talks up a Greek default. It does not take an economics graduate to understand what his spineless aim is.

Osborne is praying for a Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or any other Eurozone country to default on their debts, simply because, he will then be able to blame the ensuing financial fall-out for everything that is wrong with the British economy.

Anybody with a modicum of intelligence can surely see that what is wrong with the British economy is this Tory government.

From day one, they have used what was really a financial headache, as an excuse to impose massive cuts to the public sector, while simultaneously, carving up, and privatising, the NHS. The ensuing huge rise in unemployment is the root cause of the stalled economy. Oh! and the deficit is twice what it was before they came to power.

If the £460 billion (Yes – I did say £460 billion) Osborne has given to the banking industry since 2010, had been used to create (as opposed to wantonly destroy) jobs, we would now be free and clear. Christopher Hindle, Osterley Road, Bradford