SIR – I should like to say a word or two on the subject of positive thinking.

On the morning of Thursday, June 14, my friend and I plus four youngsters were awaiting a coach bound for Whitby from Woodside Primary School.

Due to a bit of a mix-up the coach was unavailable until the following morning. What were we to do? The little ones where geed-up for a day out, so we made a plan B, we turned a negative situation into a positive one.

We boarded a bus to town and let the children have some time in the Mirror Pool. We then boarded a train for Ilkley and had a picnic on the moors, the children then enjoyed themselves climbing rocks etc.

Next morning we set off for Whitby – the meteorological lot told us the day would be wet and windy, but we didn’t let negative thinking spoil the day.

As it turned out the weather was really nice and everyone had a great day out, to which we would like to thank the school, and all others concerned.

Positive thinking! Here endeth the first lesson.

T Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw