SIR – It was reported (T&A, June 16) that passengers using New Pudsey railway station are to be given additional car parking facilities that will provide an additional 176 new spaces.

These, I am sure, will be much welcomed by travellers.

However, this does beg the question as to how much longer we all have to wait for similar extra provision at Shipley station, particularly as we have all been crying out for more spaces now for many years.

Despite this clamour, Bradford Council, Metro, Network Rail and Northern Rail seem unable to get their collective hats together to move this project forward.

Isn't it time for those heads to be knocked together so that urgent progress can be achieved? We are being very poorly served by these organisations in this regard.

They should all be moving heaven and earth to provide many more spaces quickly, as it has been quite obvious for years that the demand is there, with the current car park full by 7am each day.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon