SIR – The attack on the Monarchy by your correspondent Mr Hornsby (Letters, April 4) is entirely unjustified. To say that our Monarch has no authority purely on the grounds that she/he was not ‘elected’ beggars all belief!

‘Elected’ politicians from all the main parties are not exactly the flavour of the month with the general population now. Could it be because of the ‘sleaze’, the double standards and dodgy deals?

Our Queen is thankfully remote and unattached to the shambles that Parliament has become. There are no true statesmen today, and the Queen maintains the position of holding firm to our traditional values and heritage.

As an overseas visitor and surrogate ambassador she is welcomed and venerated wherever she goes, whereas the politicians seem eager to destroy the standards we have defended, and died for, for countless years.

Elections can be fiddled. The Monarchy is supreme and above chicanery. Long may it continue in integrity and commonsense. Long may our Queen reign and devote herself on our behalf, as she has so dutifully done for many years.

Pamela B McCallum, Albert Street, Thornton