SIR - A group of media-styled celebrities have called on Tony Blair and George Bush to intervene in Sudan.

The Sudan is another one of those many parts of the world where British troops once served, myself among them.

But what these non-productive, obscenely-overpaid celeb types are saying is send more poorly-educated, young, working class men off to be sacrificed in places where they have no right to be sent.

But if it is right then will these showbiz types be doing their basic training, putting on their battle gear and getting shipped off?

It's always the working class, how about the middle classes doing their bit? Any chance of seeing the children/grandchildren of bankers, lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers and most of all politicians joining the actual fighting regiments?

Enough working class folk have been sacrificed to the wars of the rich, powerful and influential. Time now for a change.

E Firth, Wellington Street, Wilsden