SIR - Re "Misplaced outrage" (T&A, September 20), your correspondent Malcolm Wood suggests that Catholics should be outraged at the "wrath and resentment" directed at the Pope by Muslims over his recent comments on Islam.

As a non-Muslim and non-Catholic I confess to being surprised at the words and quotes attributed to the Pope.

I don't know what he intended by his remarks and the quotes that he used, but taken at face value they certainly seemed to be disparaging of Islam.

I therefore could not say that the "outrage" of the Muslim faithful was totally misplaced.

However, I do not believe that the Pope seriously intended to be insulting to Muslims and their faith, and I would hope that his assurances to this effect are accepted.

I would also hope that he puts any future quotes by anti-Islamists in a context showing his disagreement with their views.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon, Shipley