SIR - Within the space of a few weeks and less than one mile apart, two young women have been stabbed to death on the streets of Liversedge.

Yet more evidence of the knife culture that blights our present day society which makes us aware we have lost control of our streets and surrendered to the yob element.

Since the Government took control in 1997 it has introduced one new piece of legislation for every single day of its existence, despite not being unable to enforce the laws already in place.

Once a law has been passed it must be rigorously implemented. Only then can the yobbish and violent behaviour in our towns and cities begin to be controlled.

Make the penalty for carrying a knife or a gun a harsh penalty. Send out the message that carrying a weapon will result in a long and hard prison sentence. If a weapon is used the sentence should be trebled and if death occurs, life should mean life.

It is time to get really tough on crime and really tough on the causes of crime. The time for simply talking about it is past.

Coun Derrick Yates (Con, Liversedge & Gomersal) Civic Centre, Market Street, Huddersfield