SIR - In your report (T&A, September 22) about the scheme being initiated by the wholesalers of St James's Market and the local authority to impose an entrance fee, the excuse given is to improve security and identify "dumpers" of waste.

There has been a CCTV system for many years for which tenants pay a service charge. Is the authority saying they have failed to monitor that system and if so how will imposing an entrance charge make it better?

It appears no consultations with the users of the market have taken place and I feel the scheme is flawed in several areas.

I find it difficult to reconcile paying a fee in order to spend money. Is it on the cards to charge the patrons of John Street Market, sorry, The Oastler Centre, in the future?

I have been a buyer at St James's Market since it opened and at the previous market on Diamond Street, but I am adamant I will not pay to spend.

I am also aware, being an executive member of Bradford and District Chamber of Trade, that many other retailers are unwilling to pay the charge - a card system perhaps but not payment!

Mary Frame, Frames for Flowers, Clayton Road, Lidget Green, Bradford