Sometimes difficult decisions have to be taken in business, and what is right for commercial reasons is not always the best from the human angle.

A case in point is the decision by bus chiefs to axe the hourly 846 service which runs between Buttershaw and Shipley.

On the face of it, there are evidently good business reasons for discontinuing the service, with declining passenger numbers chief among them.

But fewer passengers does not mean no passengers, and as our double page spread today shows, there are still many local people who not only make use of this service, but in some cases rely on it.

Public transport is not like any other business interest. It is not a case of those who use the service simply switching their allegiance to another brand or mode of transport - in many instances, this is their only way to get to work, to visit relatives, or just to get out of the house and see a little of the wider world.

First Bus bosses should take a long, hard look at our feature today and read some of the comments from their loyal customers.

Decisions to alter or axe public transport services have a very human effect, and perhaps the thoughts and stories of the bus users in today's T&A just might prompt someone at the company to think again before simply writing off the service.

For the people who rely on the 846, it is more than just a number; it's a lifeline.