SIR – I am sure that there were many like me in Bradford who were concerned to read (T&A, January 3) that Bradford Council provides free staff parking and, amazingly, free shuttle buses to take staff from car parks to City Hall.

And what was the response of Councillor Riaz Ahmed? He thinks that “it is scraping the barrel to suggest this and there are other things we should be looking at”. No mention, one notices, of how savings could be made for the benefit of ratepayers.

Labour Council leader Ian Greenwood would not comment, but said that his group’s budget needed to be submitted to the trade unions first. Again, no mention of what ratepayers might think, but he is happy for the unions to have their say.

In this day and age, there should be no place for this sort of perk. Councillor Ahmed added that organisations have to offer these perks to attract staff. Really? I suspect that people would be queuing up for Council jobs even if these perks were not available. Once again, this simply shows how badly we are being served in Bradford by those in power.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon