SIR - "Scared to return after park robbery" made disturbing headlines and reading (T&A, September 22) but was not a total surprise to nearby residents such as myself who visit the park on a daily basis.

There has, in the last few years, been an influx of youths who seem to delight in trying to spoil the pleasure and enjoyment to be obtained from such a splendid park with their moronic behaviour.

Young saplings have been uprooted and large branches broken off if they have been unable to wrest the trees from the ground.

A recently-installed handrail spanning the flight of steps from the main promenade down to the pond area has been vandalised quite often, while the number of truanting pupils in the park during the mornings deserves far more attention than it receives at the moment from either the police or the park rangers.

Peel Park must not suffer or endure the types of problems which have blighted Bradford Moor and Lister Park these past few years, ie, vandalism, no-go areas, robberies and violence and caf burglaries.

Peel Park is a relatively safe place to visit and enjoy and I can only urge members of the public to keep their eyes and ears open on the occasions they visit the park and pass on any relevant information to members of the judiciary, park rangers, and the area manager sited in Peel Park offices in Bolton Road in an effort to thwart the yobs.

Donald Firth, Harrogate Street, Otley Road, Bradford