SIR – Once again, another most excellent letter (T&A, November 9) by Bob Watson about the cross-rail link, or should I say the lack of it. This must be the longest-ever campaign on any subject.

It all started about 1846, when the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway came steaming into Bradford via the mile-long Low Moor Tunnel, but unfortunately could not get on with Midland Railways to the west. Many attempts were made, and the-then unpaid councillors agreed to go ahead with a link around 1890. Again the railway companies were at impasse.

It was agreed to go ahead with the link around 1911, in fact a start was made erecting stone viadcuts, but unfortunately the Great War put a stop to it. The motorway system took off much later. End of story for the rail link.

Bradford must be the only inland city without a cross-road link and without a cross-rail link. Can nobody, most of all our councillors, realise that rail is going to be the big thing of the future.

Do not miss the opportunity to allow space in the Westfield development for what will eventually be a great necessity.

Norman E Littlewood, Huddersfield Road, Wyke