SIR – Regarding Mr David Marshall (Letters, December 6), I myself go into Bradford at least twice a week and notice cars parked outside the Arndale Centre in John Street, drivers sitting in their cars while their wives do the shopping.

There are signs ‘no parking’. Where are all the traffic wardens these days?

But not only that, on the opposite side, Wilkinsons store, there is a place for disabled drivers. When you look at the badge in the car windscreen all you can see is the clock in the badge. How long it has been there? Anybody can use these.

I saw a couple in a new car. He got out, went to the boot of the car and got out a large pram, no trouble there, then his wife got out with two children, no trouble. They put the kids in the pram, walked off pushing the pram. No sign of disablement about them.

The Government should make a law that the photo of the person who is disabled should be on view and the person it was awarded to should be in the car, otherwise it should be invalid.

B Hardcastle, Ashbourne Avenue, Bradford