SIR – I was delighted to hear that a new £23.9 million fund has become available to the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Fund.

I was then disappointed to hear that Councillor David Green is considering using the money for infrastructure work at the controversial Buck Lane site, which the Parish Council, and the vast majority of local people, strongly oppose. I would like to suggest that Councillor Green considers using this money for a more worthwhile purpose, such as the Baildon Bridge junction, which has been an accident blackspot for decades, the cause of many injuries, and would be a small fraction of the cost needed for infrastructure work in the flawed plan for Buck Lane.

This would also suit our aim to improve transport links to Leeds-Bradford airport. After all, when there is an accident at Baildon Bridge, Otley Road can be closed for hours, causing chaos.

I challenge Councillor Green to make the right choice, and improve the safety of people that live in Baildon instead of tearing up our green fields.

Ian Lyons, Liberal Democrat candidate, Cliffe Avenue, Baildon, Shipley