SIR – I am writing to ask your readers to join Anchor’s Grey Pride Campaign and sign our petition calling for a Minister for Older People to help end the prejudices faced by the elderly.

We hope the Minister would be called upon when the Cabinet discusses such issues as local authority cuts, pensions and funding for care.

The campaign has already been supported by prominent voices, such as Richard Wilson, Tony Robinson and Anita Dobson. Leader of the Opposition, the Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, has also shown his support, with the appointment of Liz Kendall to the newly-created role of Shadow Minister for Care and Older People. A further 77 MPs have backed the call.

There is a Minister for Women and a Minister of State for Children and Families, but as it stands, older people’s issues are scattered throughout various Government departments.

With older people making up 25 per cent of the population, it’s time older people’s voices were heard and that the prejudices they face were wiped out.

Please sign the petition at

Thank you for your support.

Carol Pollard, scheme manager, Chapel Green, Off School Street, Pudsey