SIR – It is with great sadness I read that English Heritage has rejected the appeal to preserve the Odeon.

So perhaps now is the time to rethink ideas. English Heritage say that there is not enough left of the interior, and, in my opinion, the Odeon cinemas were of no architectural merit, so unworthy of preservation. But the facade of the building, including the towers, is worthy of saving.

Why not demolish the interior and keep the facade, then create the New Victoria Centre? This could include a 3,000-seater concert hall named after Frederick Delius, a 400 to 500-seater theatre to replace the Playhouse, named after J B Priestley. If this was built in conjunction with the private sector, it could also include car parking, offices, shops and flats.

Then sell the Central Library to the Media Museum and remodel the magistrates Court and make that Central Library. Demolish the rest of the police station and build whatever extra room for the new library.

Lastly, keep the exterior of St George’s Hall and build the new magistrates court inside the shell, thus keeping the car park between the Crown Court and the Victoria Hotel.

Could this work?

D L Smith, Hazelcroft, Bradford