Bradford should be proud of the fact that one of its schools is among the first off the blocks in getting involved with next year’s Olympics.

It may be that the 2012 games are taking place in London, but the whole of the United Kingdom should benefit from the spin-offs related to the Olympics being here.

Springwood Primary School, in Manningham, is the first Yorkshire school to be named an Olympic School of the Month.

Some of the pupils have been to visit the Olympic site being developed and some have met Lord Coe.

Hopefully, this school will just be the first of many public and private organisations in the district to benefit from the historic games next July.

The primary school’s staff and pupils have shown their commitment to Olympic and Paralympic values.

They should be an example to us all of how everyone can, in some small way, get involved in the Olympic ideal over the next nine months or so.

As well as involving our district in a huge international event, it should help all who take part to feel a part of a much wider global community.

So it is important that the Bradford area does all it can to make the most of any and all opportunities that are presented to us to be involved somehow with the celebrations that mark the games.

It will be one of those rare events that can truly be described as a once in a lifetime experience.