SIR – What do I think of the Mirror Pool?

This is a total waste of money. Are the Council trying to turn Bradford into a mini New York with our Central Park?

Well, I have news for the Council. New York has lots of shops, which are not boarded up.

Wouldn’t it be better to invest money in shops to attract people from other cities, as I am sure we will not be hearing people saying, “Shall we go to Bradford to see the Park?”

What planet are the Council on? It is heart-breaking to see people rushing to Leeds, Huddersfield and Halifax to do their shopping, just because we cannot provide for them in Bradford.

I remember the days when we had all the big shops, with loads of choice. So come on, Council, get your fingers out and invest our money wisely to get Bradford back on its feet again.

Peter Murgatroyd, Willow Villas, Wrose