SIR – Is it just the people planning the new schools in the Bradford district who are deaf, or is it the Bradford Council?

I read in the T&A that yet another school is being built near Great Horton. Once again there is a dispute over parking to go with this new school.

The Council had exactly the same explanation – a turning circle and a new car park to accommodate the staff – when they built Grange School, and look at this.

Let me tell you, Dracup Road residents, don’t be fooled by what the planners say. We are still unable to park outside our houses in and around Grange School and will not have any improvements till mid-2012.

Come on, our councillors, when do we get an answer?

Why are you paying £3 million to revamp the bridge in the middle of Manchester Road?

Nobody uses this bridge and it is a pain to go up one side just to go down another, especially with a pram.

Why don’t you just put a crossing by the lights and leave the bridge alone? It may be an eyesore, but at least £3 million could be spent else where.

S Walker, Little Horton Lane, Bradford