SIR - I am researching my family tree on my mother's side and am trying to trace some information regarding Joseph Wheeldon, my grandfather, I know that he was killed in the First World War on April 25, 1918. His address at the time was 21 Issac Street, Brownroyd, Girlington.

He had three daughters, Maud, Lily and Sarah. Lily was my mother and her married name was Ambler. When my grandfather was killed, Lily went to live with her aunt at 49 Girlington Road, Bradford. The names I have for that address are Thomas William and Alice Orwin.

I wondered if any of your readers would be able to recall any of these names? If so, can they reach me at the address below, or e-mail me at

Mrs J Rhodes, 16 Acre Crescent, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD2 2LP