SIR - Mr Dallas had been requested to provide instances of Muslim oppression in Britain which were comparable to that of Christian persecution in parts of Pakistan, at times involving death, and in his reply to Mr Murphy (T&A, August 21) was not able to do so.

Far from being repressed in the way Christians have been persecuted in Pakistan, Muslims enjoy religious freedoms in Britain, to such an extent that prayer rooms have been provided by public sector employees like councils, halal meat is available in schools and planning permission has been given for many mosques to be built.

As regards the observations of the Police Assistant Commissioner, Tarique Ghaffur, which Mr Dallas refers to, rather than encouraging the Muslim communities to co-operate with the authorities and take some responsibility following the London bombings, his remarks may be regarded as unhelpful as it reinforces a stereotype of undue police harassment on the ethnic minorities, which may impede operational efficiency.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Bradford