SIR - Gerry Sutcliffe has really put the wind up the West Yorkshire Police in revealing to us all that the police do have powers to deal with gipsies who set up illegal camps (T&A, September 1).

Did they actually know about these powers or is the forces explanation of a softly, softly' approach just a smokescreen for their ignorance?

School playing fields, recreation grounds and parks have repeatedly been taken from local communities and left in disgusting states by these people, resulting in these facilities being lost to ordinary, decent, law-abiding people and their families.

The cost of enforcing repeated removal orders together with clean-up costs must be astronomical, born ultimately by the taxpayer.

It is clear the police have failed in their softly, softly' approach and I would suggest 99 per cent of the public feel the time has come for the police to take a firmer stance over these matters and use the legislation available.

Come on West Yorkshire police, get a grip!

Andrew Hall, Storr Hill, Wyke