SIR - While Bradfordians and visitors alike have had to put up with the dilapidated Odeon cinema and its surrounding area looking like a bomb-site for years, renovation and construction projects around the district have progressed apace.

The West End has got a new road and car park; the Lloyds building looks brilliant after its clean-up; Nelson Street proudly displays a building worthy to be called the police headquarters and its neighbour, the fire brigade, will soon be moving into their ultra-modern station in Leeds Road.

Eastbrook Hall's facade is being rebuilt to front accommodation units and Lister's Mill transformation is well under way, while stalwart work at nearby Lister Park has been rewarded by it being voted the best in England.

Probably one of the finest developments is Morrisons' head office at Thornbury, soon to be complemented by a fantastic new Sikh temple at Laisterdyke.

The sooner New Victoria Place and Bradford College buildings are erected the better, not only for the city's image but for its citizens who abhor squalidness.

David Rhodes, Croscombe Walk, Bradford