SIR - I would like to ask Chief Superintendent Ali Dizaei who is suffering a major persecution complex about the so-called targeting of Muslims in security checks? Just who, he would suggest, are the most likely terrorist suspects?

Unfortunately, it is a sad fact that those responsible for the bombings and murders in Riyadh, Khobar, Istanbul, Kenya, Indonesia,Yemen, Sudan, America, Spain, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and now England were all Muslims.

Is Chief Supt Dizaei seriously suggesting that, in order not to offend, the security services should target some Eskimos or Australian aborigines?

I remember the way passengers travelling to and from Ireland at the height of the troubles were segregated in airports and forced to go through separate gates.

We did not experience the Catholic Church having foot-stamping tantrums or behaving with such hypersensitive paranoia then.

We should all be brave enough to admit that we are at war with Islamic extremists whose sole purpose is to destroy our way of life.

It is therefore extremely worrying that some Muslim community leaders are not taking a more responsible attitude in supporting our security services rather that complaining about discrimination and foreign policy.

Malcolm Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram