SIR – Gordon Steff (Letters, June 4) indeed joined Shipley Lib-Dems for a short while years ago. Not naturally a Liberal, as I recall, he had fallen out with his then-party and presumably went back.

He dismisses the “antics” of Nick Clegg without saying what these are and what he disagrees with. Is it relinking pensions to earnings or above inflation, abolished by Thatcher and kept so by Labour? Introducing the pupil premium to help disadvantaged children?

Raising income tax thresholds annually, so that the poorest pay no income tax (Labour increased tax for the poorest)? Or raising capital gains tax so the wealthy pay more (Labour cut this for the rich)?

Perhaps he disagrees with the coalition with the Tories? Many would have preferred otherwise, but Labour wouldn’t play ball and numbers were a problem.

Lib-Dems must keep Tory excesses in check and show we are serious about Government. Doing otherwise would have attracted more criticism.

Labour surely feared making a similar level of cuts for which they were preparing. The situation is serious: we still borrow £400 million more each day and pay £120m a day in interest. Little wonder that Labour walked away.

Coun John Hall, (Windhill and Wrose) Secretary, Shipley Lib-Dems, Pennithorne Avenue, Shipley