SIR – I would like to congratulate Jim Greenhalf on a well-written article regarding the wearing of medal (T&A, June 2).

However, I would like to make a clarification regarding my quote re ‘non-military people wearing uniforms’ – it could be construed I was referring to re-enactors.

I was not, as obviously it is necessary there. I was referring to the younger generation and ‘others’ who, never having served, seem to think it is OK to swagger around wearing combat gear etc.

Mr Holman has a point of view and that needs to be respected, of course, it doesn’t mean though that he is right.

Mr Dickinson used to wear his medals but now feels, perhaps forced by opinion, that he has to stop doing so, and in a free society that is something that should not happen.

All re-enactors I have met and been at events with have a deep and lasting respect for the veterans and all that they did.

The last First World War veteran has gone. We are left with only memories now, no tangible link. My generation will I feel see the last of the Second World War veterans; what then I wonder?

What will my grandsons’ generation make of both World Wars, and how will it view them and the sacrifices made in the years to come?

A J Ambridge, Primrose Bank, Bingley