SIR - I must congratulate Mr D Hargreaves on his letter (August 25) regarding the extra taxes he pays for the running costs of his car.

These educated people who attempt to run this country from their plush offices in Parliament, who run about in their gas guzzlers supplied by the tax payers of this country who do not pay taxes from their perks, should for once listen to someone like Mr Hargreaves.

I, like Mr Hargreaves, drive a big car, I buy more diesel than people with a small car, pay more tax and insurance which means we pay VAT, which goes to the Chancellor's coffers.

It is about time these people who try to take away our pleasures that we have worked for and paid far more taxes than them, came out into the real world and listened to the people that gave them plush offices and big cars, and all their tax-free perks.

Albert L Doyle, Fenby Avenue, East Bowling, Bradford