SIR - M Wood's (T&A, August 25) argument about Muslims killing each other in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan does have credence, but he also knows the answer to the statement he wrote, as too why the killings are happening in those countries too.

Also he seems to forget that British, American and coalition forces kill a lot of civilians with their indiscriminate methods and tactics and then try to justify them by using the term "collateral damage", stating they are fighting the "insurgents" in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are no insurgents but only resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, against our occupying forces in these countries.

The media and certain politicians are creating an "us" and "them" mentality among our population, which is creating unease and suspicion among both Muslims and non-Muslims. It's about time people started talking to each other from both communities about the real issues and cleared up their misunderstandings, rather than not talking at all.

I'd like to leave Mr Wood's argument on this note: "Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear".

Saqib Ali Mirza, Leylands Lane, Heaton