SIR - What rubbish Jean Paul Portas writes (Letters, August 27). Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan may be US allies but it is well known their governments do represent their citizens' views on Israel's right to exist and there are anti-Israeli plotters located there.

He briefly touches on the "moderate" Syria which, along with Iran, vows to annihilate Israel and supplies massive assistance in Islam's fight against the infidels.

A very moderate country, Syria, which virtually had to be thrown out of Lebanon and whose leader was suspected of assassinating Lebanon's.

Hezbollah an anti-terror movement supported by a grateful Lebanon? What utter claptrap. Perhaps in your correspondent's opinion Iran should be allowed to have the nuclear deterrent because we have one. My feeling is that Iran's intention is not defensive but offensive and it would appear that to it life is not sacred. Thus the consequences are alarming indeed.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley